Registration Form - Plasmid Biology 2004

Please complete the form and submit it to: .    Please submit a form even if you are sharing a room with another Conference Participant.           The Deadline for Registration is 30th May 2004.   Thank you very much.   
(BACK to Registration Page). 

You'll need to Point and Click before entering data into an Input Box.

Please provide the following information:

Full Name (including title):


Contact Address:

Email Address:

Telephone Number:

FAX Number:

ACCOMMODATION REQUIREMENTS: Please choose one of the following options  (Required)

Single Room (limited numbers)   

  Shared Room  
(name of roommate if known - ie. another Conference participant)

  Double Room 
                                 (name of accompanying partner - ie person not attending Conference)


YES -  I will require dinner on the evenings of: 16th,17th,18 & 19th September 2004.  (Total cost - 60 Euros)

YES - accompanying partner  will require dinner on the evenings of 16th, 17th, 18, 19th September 2004.    
                (ie - partner not participating in Conference)


     Student Registration - 160 Euros    

     Non-student - 200 Euros

Please select one of these options:

If you wish to QUIT, use whichever option your Web browser
provides you with to return to the previous page.



  Plasmid Biology 2004 - A conference devoted to plasmids and other mobile genetic elements.