> People
Past and present contributors to the International Symposia on Plasmid Biology:
PB92 Participants |
Alfredo Aguilar (Bruxelles, BE)
Juan C. Alonso (Madrid, ES)
Stuart J. Austin (Frederick, US)
Michael Bagdasarian (East Lansing, US)
Fernando Baquero
Deepak Bastia (Charleston, US)
Alice Beijersbergen
Philippe Bernard (Bruxelles, BE)
Sierd Bron (Haren, NL)
Dhruba Chattoraj (Bethesda, US)
Jean Marc Collard (Mol, BE)
David M. Cook (Urbana, US)
Ramón Díaz-Orejas (Madrid, ES)
Mette Dam (Odense, DK)
Fernando de la Cruz (Santander, ES)
Victor de Lorenzo
Gloria del Solar (Madrid, ES)
Raymond Devoret
S. Dusko Ehrlich (Jouy en Josas, FR)
Manuel Espinosa (Madrid, ES)
Manuel Espinosa-Urgel (Madrid, ES)
Stephen K. Farrand (Urbana, US)
Elena Fernández-Tresguerres (Madrid, ES)
David H. Figurski (New York, US)
Donna Figurski (New York, US)
Marcin Filutowicz (Madison, US)
William Firshein (Middletown, US)
Laura Frost (Edmonton, CA)
Philippe Gabant
Adela Garcia (Murcia, ES)
Dario Garcia de Viedma (Madrid, ES)
Kenn Gerdes (Newcastle, UK)
Elisabeth Grohmann (Berlin, DE)
Kare Haugan (Trondheim, NO)
Donald R. Helinski (La Jolla, US)
V.N. (Bob) Iyer (Ottowa, CA)
Xiao Jie (Norwich, UK)
Clarence I. Kado (Davis, US)
Saleem A. Khan (Pittsburgh, US)
Tobias Kieser (Norwich, UK)
Gabriela Kramer (Montevideo, UY)
Erich Lanka (Berlin, DE)
Miriam Moscoso (Madrid, ES)
Brendan Murphy (Limerick, IE)
Peter Newnham (Edmonton, CA)
Kurt Nordström (Uppsala, SE)
Richard P. Novick (New York, US)
Werner Pansegrau (Berlin, DE)
Sonya Penfold (Edmonton, CA)
Steven Projan (New York, US)
Maria Jesus Ruiz-Echevarria (Madrid, ES)
Abigail A. Salyers (Urbana, US)
Juan Manuel Sanchez Romero (Madrid, ES)
Helmut Schwab (Graz, AT)
Jos Seegers (Haren, NL)
Umender K. Sharma
Vilma A. Stanisich (Bundoora, AU)
Lothar Steidler (Gent, BE)
Diane Taylor (Edmonton, CA)
Christopher M. Thomas (Birmingham, UK)
Christopher D. Thomas (Leeds, UK)
Kenneth Timmis (Braunschweig, DE)
Pierre Vankan (Basel, CH)
Jeremy Mark Wells (Cambridge, UK)
Sue Wickner (Bethesda, US)
Brian M. Wilkins
D. Ross Williams (Lincoln, UK)
Ellen Zechner (Graz, AT)
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