> People
Past and present contributors to the International Symposia on Plasmid Biology:
PB98 Participants |
Noelle Amarger (Dijon, FR)
Lars Andrup (Copenhagen, DK)
Stuart J. Austin (Frederick, US)
Fernando Bastarrachea
Deepak Bastia (Charleston, US)
Paul Baumann (Davis, US)
Michaela Bayer (Graz, AT)
Eva Björkman (Uppsala, SE)
Alexander Boronin (Pushchino, RU)
Sabine Brantl (Jena, DE)
Therese Brendler (Frederick, US)
Susana Brom (Cuernavaca, MX)
Sierd Bron (Haren, NL)
Ron Caspi (La Jolla, US)
Piotr Ceglowski (Warsawa, PL)
Laura Cervantes (Cuernavaca, MX)
Miguel Ángel Cevallos (Cuernavaca, MX)
Tseh-Ling Chang (Pittsburgh, US)
Dhruba Chattoraj (Bethesda, US)
Carton W. Chen (Taipei, TW)
Bjarke Bak Christensen (Lyngby, DK)
Don B. Clewell (Ann Arbor, US)
Adriana Corvera (Cuernavaca, MX)
Fernando de la Cruz (Santander, ES)
John DeMartino (Qiagen, US)
Claudia Disque-Kochem (Bielefeld, DE)
Brigitte Dreiseikelmann (Bielefeld, DE)
Eric Dumonteil (Merida, MX)
Manuel Espinosa (Madrid, ES)
Stephen K. Farrand (Urbana, US)
Richard Fekete (Bethesda, US)
David H. Figurski (New York, US)
Marcin Filutowicz (Madison, US)
William Firshein (Middletown, US)
Neville Firth (Sydney, AU)
Margarita Flores (Cuernavaca, MX)
Thomas Franch (Odense, DK)
Laura Frost (Edmonton, CA)
Nobuhisa Furuya (Tokyo, JP)
Alejandro Garcia de Los Santos (Cuernavaca, MX)
Kenn Gerdes (Newcastle, UK)
Lourdes Girard (Cuernavaca, MX)
Scott Gordon (Boston, US)
Elisabeth Grohmann (Berlin, DE)
Hugo Gronlund (Odense, DK)
Michael Gubbins (Edmonton, CA)
Donald R. Helinski (La Jolla, US)
Georgina Hernández (Cuernavaca, MX)
Gregor Högenauer (Graz, AT)
Laurent Jannière (Jouy en Josas, FR)
Clarence I. Kado (Davis, US)
Walter Keller (Graz, AT)
Saleem A. Khan (Pittsburgh, US)
William Klimke (Bethesda, US)
Ichizo Kobayashi (Tokyo, JP)
Igor Konieczny (Gdansk, PL)
Gabriela Kramer (Montevideo, UY)
David Lane (Toulouse, FR)
Hansjorg Lehnherr (Odense, DK)
Tine Rask Licht (Lyngby, DK)
Jacques Mahillon (Louvain-la-Neuve, BE)
Stéphanie Marsin (Orsay, FR)
Jaime M. Martínez-Salazar (Cuernavaca, MX)
Patrick Mavingui (Cuernavaca, MX)
Richard J. Meyer (Austin, US)
Søren Molin (Lyngby, DK)
Günther Muth (Tübingen, DE)
Kurt Nordström (Uppsala, SE)
Belen Nunez (Santander, ES)
Jan Olsson (Uppsala, SE)
A. Mark Osborn (Hull, UK)
Rafael Palacios (Cuernavaca, MX)
Suzanne Paterson (Ottowa, CA)
Johan Paulsson (Boston, US)
Xavier Perret (Geneve, CH)
Joe Pogliano (La Jolla, US)
Miguel A. Ramirez-Romero (Cuernavaca, MX)
Douglas E. Rawlings (Stellenbosch, ZA)
Javier Rivera (Cuernavaca, MX)
Oleg Rodionov (Bethesda, US)
Cesar Rodriguez (Cuernavaca, MX)
David Romero (Cuernavaca, MX)
Michelle Rooker (Edmonton, CA)
Thomas Rosche (New York, US)
David Ryan (Galway, IE)
Valentin N. Rybchin (St. Petersburg, RU)
Paz E. Salas (Cuernavaca, MX)
Juan Sanjuan (Granada, ES)
James A. Sawitzke (Frederick, US)
Sameera Sayeed (Frederick, US)
Nadja B. Shoemaker (Urbana, US)
Simon Silver (Chicago, US)
Ronald A. Skurray (Sydney, AU)
Kornelia Smalla (Braunschweig, DE)
Patricia A. Sobecky (Tuscaloosa, US)
Nora Elsa Soberon-Maltos (Cuernavaca, MX)
Vilma A. Stanisich (Bundoora, AU)
David Stockwell (Dallas, US)
Michael Strätz (Braunschweig, DE)
David K. Summers (Cambridge, UK)
Diane Taylor (Edmonton, CA)
Christoph Tebbe (Braunschweig, DE)
Martine Thilly-Couturier (Bruxelles, BE)
Christopher M. Thomas (Birmingham, UK)
Christopher D. Thomas (Leeds, UK)
Patricia Tille (Vermillion, US)
Aresa Toukdarian (La Jolla, US)
Beth Traxler (Seattle, US)
Cristina Tun-Garrido (Cuernavaca, MX)
Edgar Valencia-Morales (Cuernavaca, MX)
Gerhart Wagner (Uppsala, SE)
Kristi Walz (Vermillion, US)
Keith Weaver (Vermillion, US)
Brigitte V. Wilcken-Bergmann (Koln, DE)
Andrea Wilcks (Copenhagen, DK)
Andrew Wright (Boston, US)
Ellen Zechner (Graz, AT)
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