> People
Past and present contributors to the International Symposia on Plasmid Biology:
PB2k Speakers |
Juan C. Alonso (Madrid, ES)
Deepak Bastia (Charleston, US)
Anuradha Bhattacharyya (New York, US)
Sabine Brantl (Jena, DE)
Therese Brendler (Frederick, US)
Susana Brom (Cuernavaca, MX)
Piotr Ceglowski (Warsawa, PL)
Dhruba Chattoraj (Bethesda, US)
Ramón Díaz-Orejas (Madrid, ES)
Fernando de la Cruz (Santander, ES)
Gloria del Solar (Madrid, ES)
Karine Drønen (Bergen, NO)
Manuel Espinosa (Madrid, ES)
Stephen K. Farrand (Urbana, US)
William Firshein (Middletown, US)
Kenn Gerdes (Newcastle, UK)
Rafael Giraldo (Madrid, ES)
Finbarr Hayes (Manchester, UK)
Donald R. Helinski (La Jolla, US)
Manabu Inuzuka (Fukui, JP)
Tateo Itoh (Nagano, JP)
Grazyna Jagura-Burdzy (Warsawa, PL)
Gert B. Jensen (Copenhagen, DK)
Clarence I. Kado (Davis, US)
Saleem A. Khan (Pittsburgh, US)
Ichizo Kobayashi (Tokyo, JP)
Igor Konieczny (Gdansk, PL)
Günther Koraimann (Graz, AT)
Ricardo H. Krüger (Madison, US)
Erich Lanka (Berlin, DE)
Jacques Mahillon (Louvain-la-Neuve, BE)
Richard J. Meyer (Austin, US)
Jean-Luc Pernodet (Orsay, FR)
Christophe Possoz (Orsay, FR)
Douglas E. Rawlings (Stellenbosch, ZA)
Hilary Richards (London, UK)
David Romero (Cuernavaca, MX)
Joel F. Schildbach (Baltimore, US)
Susanne Schneiker (Bielefeld, DE)
Vladimir S. Sentchilo (Duebendorf, CH)
Ronald A. Skurray (Sydney, AU)
Kornelia Smalla (Braunschweig, DE)
Patricia A. Sobecky (Tuscaloosa, US)
Christopher M. Thomas (Birmingham, UK)
Christopher D. Thomas (Leeds, UK)
Laurence Van Melderen (Bruxelles, BE)
Patricia S. Vary (DeKalb, US)
Gerhart Wagner (Uppsala, SE)
Keith Weaver (Vermillion, US)
Michael Yarmolinsky (Bethesda, US)
J. Peter W. Young (York, UK)
Ellen Zechner (Graz, AT)
Günter Ziegelin (Berlin, DE)
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